It is great pleasure to have the opportunity to introuce Sanbell Odena Engineering (Nig.) Ltd. an indigenous engineering, procurement and construction company. The company provides services to the Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry.

With over one decade of experience behind us, we have enjoyed steady growth in close association with Local and International firms, providing excellent engineering services, procurement services and construction support with the use latest technology and effective planning. Sanbell Odena Engineering (Nig.) Ltd. has the resources, experienced partners and expertise to undertake medium scale contracts. The company strives to achieve its objectives by maximizing its operation with its Local Content policy.

The company has exclusive partnership agreement with some major Oil ans Gas pipeline manufactures of all types of ball valves, floating ball vavles, turnnium type ball valves, cryogenic ball valves etc, utilized world wide in the Oil and Gas production, petrochemical and refining industries.

We firmly believe that we can meet all the requipments of our customers including prompt delivery request with competitive prices.

We give our great appreciation to all numberous and look forward to providing better and more efficient services
in the future.

Engr. M.S. Bello