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Column Tray
All kinds of internals in an oil refinery chemical, petrochemical and gas processing industries.
Bubble Cap Tray
The operating range of this tray, the oldest in history, covering 10:1 is so wide that one can operate it very eas Also if this tray is sealed completely without weeping, it's duration period can be lengethed along with sufficient hydraulic head, enabling it to be operated with a high contact efficiency. It is also recommended for operating a column with a wide operating range at a low load condition.
Because of its structual particulars, it needs to be of bigger diameter than any other trays for treating vapor of same quantity, In other word, its capacity is comparatively small, its pressure drop is high and its maintenance cost is high.
Sieve Tray
Developed in 1950th, this tray has a less capacity but higher efficiency than the bubble cap tray.
Its capacity is similar to the valve tray. As its pressure drop is lower than other trays, it can be used for the vacumm tower. In case of liquid with bad fouling, one can resolve the fouling problem with a hole of 3/4" ~1".
Because of its simple structure, it does not need a big investment at the early stage.
This tray has some demerits, its operating range is small(2:1), its efficiency is decreased in case of weeping and it may face with severe vibration when operated for low vapor.
As the space of this tray is not big enough for safe operation, one should be aware of any load changes of liquid and vapor.
Valve Tray
This is the tray most favorite to its user these days. Developed to improve the small operating range of the sieve tray.
this valve has its operating range covering 7:1, Compared to the sieve tray, it is made of higher efficiency, lower pressure drop. Its capacity is bigger than any others and its cost is less expensive than the bubble cap tray.
As its demerits, it could face with plugging and thereafter, very difficult to be cleaned.